I finally lost you, B and you're finally forgetting me. 

Remember when I used to ask you that if anything happen, I afraid that you will left me and that time, you said No. You will never leave me behind. You will always with me. 

But look at you now.

You're happy without me. You're okay with not contacting me at all. You're not worrying about me anymore. 

The saddest part is, you are not you anymore.

But you know what B, no matter how harsh my words are, no matter how many times I cry because of you, I always wanting you to coming back again. I always hoping that you will text me someday, saying that you miss me a lot, just like how I missing you too. 

But you know what B, that's will never happen right?

Because you already forget me.

Because you already throw me away.

Because you already remove me from your life.