I dream of you again last night. 

This time, it was really sad that makes me cried in my sleep again. 

I met you but I don't want to talk to you. I just walk besides/in front of you. But then you approached me and that's when I thought, you finally choose me and remember me.

But you know what, I'm wrong for numerous times. 

You approached me just to say that, never miss you again, never miss every promises that you have made, never miss everything. 

I heard you but I'm in denial and I pretend to not hear anything. 

I ask you again, just to give a chance to you to change your words. 

But again, you made me disappointed just like before.

You even repeat those words multiple times and even louder. 

"Don't miss me, don't miss my promises, don't miss everything"

It hurts me a lot but I just act like this is the answer from Allah, to show that I should move on and I should really forget about you just like the way you forgetting me now. I should act like you are a stranger just like the way you treat me now.